
New Obesity guuidelines

Does health and weight management play on your mind? Are you continuously wondering if your cholesterol levels are normal? If yes you have come to the right place.

Virtual Anatomy will be your guide to health issues with up-to-date articles to assist you in getting the best health advice possible. With a team who have a medical background, advice here is of invaluable essence. We are a team of medical staff who have founded a medical non-profit organisation, with articles added periodically discussing matters like newly found medication or side effects for certain problems like those mentioned above, you will not be disappointed. You, our audience will have expert advice handed to you in the comfort of your own home. It is even a good website for those who do not suffer from any illness but still feel they should be kept informed about newly rising issues.

Topics will vary from week to week depending on the time of year. Keep informed and stay tuned, and do not hesitate to ask questions about matters that concern you which you wish to read about.